In the heart of Brooklyn’s bustling downtown district, sandwiched between a tiny historical rowhouse, a hotel, and a luxury rental building, sits the borough’s tallest office tower. While the front of the building is still shrouded in scaffolding, a large vinyl sign displays the clearest indication of what the building is to the public: 1WSQ, or 1 Willoughby Square, the first new office development in Downtown Brooklyn in a generation.
Ofer Cohen, president of TerraCRG, a commercial real estate firm based in Brooklyn’s Prospect Heights neighborhood, agrees that smaller footprints are where the demand is right now in the borough’s office market. Cohen is co-chair of the Downtown Brooklyn Partnership and a big believer in Brooklyn’s office sector. He said office development is long overdue in the neighborhood. “First there was the big boom of housing built, and now there’s the beginning of OK, well people actually want to work where they live and walk to work. You can live in a nice residential neighborhood and have a nice walk to the office,” said Cohen, who himself walks to his office from nearby Fort Greene.
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